FROG @ease for Jacuzzi® Hot Tubs
The built-in Hot Tub Sanitizer
Custom Designed for Jacuzzi® Hot Tubs
The built-in Hot Tub Sanitizer with minerals that uses up to 75% Less Chlorine
Making life easier for Jacuzzi® owners is the goal of this FROG @ease System. It’s conveniently designed to fit on the filter cartridges in most Jacuzzi Hot Tubs. Cleaner, Clearer, and Softer® water is just down the road at Everything Billiards & Spas. With FROG Minerals and SmartChlor Technology, you’ll enjoy Fresh Mineral Water that kills bacteria 2 ways with up to 75% less chlorine and a lot less work!
Up to 75% less chlorine with no frustrating
yo-yo chlorine levels.
Self regulates for continuous crystal clear water.
Shock only once or twice a month with no mixing chemicals.
No constant monitoring.
Exclusive Frog @ease Test Strips – single color match for easy reading.
Easy on hot tub surfaces with less odors.
Start-Up Instructions
Fill the hot tub with fresh water by placing your hose in the gray filter standpipe to approximately half an inch below the pillows. If you have well water: after 10 minutes, install the EcoOne Hose Filter. Flush filter 3-5 seconds outside the spa to remove carbon, and complete the filling process.
Once the spa is full, power on. *If your source water is high in calcium, iron, or other metals, please contact us for further instructions.
IMPORTANT: Always follow printed instructions on the balancing chemical packages. Add balancing chemicals in small increments, one at a time with the jets on, and wait 6 hours before testing again and adding any
additional balancing chemicals.
Test the water with FROG @ease Test Strips and balance according to the Water Balance Guidelines. Make sure to balance Total Alkalinity FIRST, then pH, and finally Calcium Hardness.
Water Balance Guidelines
- Total Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm
- pH: 7.2 – 7.8
- Calcium Hardness: 150 – 250 ppm
Establish an initial chlorine residual of 0.5-1.0 ppm with the FROG Jump Start start-up shock, included in the Start-Up kit – one packet per 600 gallons. After the product has bubbled for a few seconds, turn on the high speed jets until fully dissolved.
For the silver FROG SmartChlor Cartridge, adjust to the appropriate setting in order to maintain a 0.5-1.0 ppm chlorine level (#4-5 for most spas). You may need to change this setting based on your usage.
#4 – 200-350 gal | #5 – 351-450 gal | #6 – 451-600 gal
Open the arms of the holder until they snap into position. Insert the bottom of the Mineral Cartridge into the front of the lower opening of the holder and push the cartridge back until it locks into place.
Insert the SmartChlor Cartridge in the upper opening of the holder.
*The FROG System Holder attaches to the filter in the J-400, LX, and 300 Series models, while the J-200 Series spas include a floating holder.
Your hot tub is safe to use once the Total Alkalinity, pH, and Calcium Hardness levels measure in the “OK” range on your FROG Test Strip.
After the first 24 hours, lightly spray the filter surface with SpaGuard Filter Cleaner, allow the filters to sit for 15-20 minutes, then thoroughly hose off with a high pressure hose or Water Wand. Ensure ALL soap is removed before placing the filters back to avoid foaming.
It is recommended that you test your water every day or so over the first week to ensure the spa water remains balanced and sanitized while the system acclimates to your usage. It’s common to need to add Chlorinating Concentrate or Enhanced Shock during this period.
Keep in mind that there are trace amounts of remaining water left in the plumbing from factory testing. Your hot tub will probably also receive higher than normal usage during the first month of ownership. For those reasons, your FROG System will be working overtime to sanitize the water and maintain a chlorine residual during the first week or so.
Learn More
- Test and balance your spa water weekly using a FROG Test Strip.
- Replace the SmartChlor Cartridge when empty, based on the FROG Test Strip showing a lighter color than the out indicator on the bottle.
- Shock your water with Chlorinating Concentrate or Enhanced Shock once or twice per month, depending on usage.
- Every 30 days, lightly spray the filter surface with SpaGuard Filter Cleaner, allow the filters to sit for 15-20 minutes, then thoroughly hose off with a high pressure hose or Water Wand. Ensure ALL soap is removed before placing the filters back to avoid foaming. We recommend purchasing a second filter to switch out every month, making cleaning a breeze and extending the life of your filters. *To avoid issues with foam, try to keep all detergents, lotions, oils, soaps, makeup, perfume, and hair products out of the water!
- Drain, clean, and refill your spa water every 4 months, following the start-up instructions. Over time, the total dissolved solids build up and saturate the water, preventing proper sanitation and balancing. A new FROG @ease Sanitizer Start-Up Kit will contain the Cartridges, Test Strips, and Jump Start that you need. It’s important to discard the used Mineral Cartridge after 4 months, whether you replace it or not. After this time period, it loses its efficacy and will cause cloudy water.
- Check your water balance. If your pH or Total Alkalinity is off, SmartChlor will not be as effective.
- Check to see if your FROG @ease SmartChlor Cartridge is empty.
- Increase the dial setting if needed. If the FROG @ease SmartChlor Cartridge is not empty, try turning up the dial one setting.
- Make sure your minerals have not been used for more than 4 months. When you hear minerals left inside, it is because one of the minerals does not completely dissolve – SmartChlor will only be effective when used with active FROG minerals.
Over-chlorination is virtually impossible with the FROG @ease System due to the self-regulating process that converts the Chlorine Reserve to Free Chlorine automatically when needed.
When testing SmartChlor with a standard test strip, you will see the Total Chlorine is higher than the Free Chlorine, which is perfectly OK. The Total Chlorine is the SmartChlor reserve that is inactive; when the hot tub needs more Free Chlorine to kill bacteria, it pulls from the Reserve. That’s why we recommend using the FROG @ease Test Strips – a 4-month supply comes with every FROG @ease Sanitizing System.
The @ease System combines the proven FROG mineral formula for killing bacteria with SmartChlor Technology that maintains a consistently low chlorine level for weeks.
Unlike normal chlorine that is used up when you enter the spa, SmartChlor continues to maintain the same level, which is up to 75% less than hot tubs using DiChlor (standard hot tub chlorine). That’s why it’s called self-regulating – it goes to work when the hot tub needs sanitizing so there are no frustrating yo-yo levels. This time-released method is also why less shock is needed to maintain the hot tub.
This technology is so unique it has its own testing method that’s easier than standard test strips.
In 2 seconds, you can know precisely whether your pH, Total Alkalinity, and Calcium Hardness are balanced, plus whether or not the SmartChlor Cartridge needs replacing. Simply dip the FROG @ease Test Strip into the water, remove with the pads facing up, and shake once to remove the water on the FROG Test Strips. Then hold it up next to the color chart on the back of the bottle to compare colors.
If the SmartChlor color on the strip is darker than the bottle label, the water is fine. If it’s lighter, then simply replace the SmartChlor Cartridge!
This technology is so unique it has its own testing method that’s easier than standard test strips.
Why can’t I use another test strip? The FROG @ease SmartChlor Cartridge forms a reserve that will be inaccurately measured as total chlorine on other test strips. Unlike conventional chlorine, the SmartChlor reserve readily shifts to free chlorine as needed, maintaining spa health with a low level of chlorine.
A new standard for keeping your hot tub water crystal clear – continuously.
So no touching chemicals, no bad smells, no faded swim suits.
SmartChlor Cartridges maintain a SmartChlor reserve in the water based on the output level you set, automatically delivering more free chlorine as needed and maintaining a consistent 0.5-1.0 ppm free chlorine level at all times. In other words, no frustrating yo-yo chlorine levels!
What size hot tub will FROG @ease work in?
Hot tubs 150 to 600 gallons are perfect for FROG @ease.
How does FROG @ease compare to bromine floaters or using chlorine?
With standard chemicals, you experience peaks and valleys in your sanitizing routine. When you add chemicals, the level spikes, and when you use the hot tub, the level drops. This yo-yo method goes away with FROG @ease because it maintains the same level of sanitizing all the time. Plus, it’s conveniently tucked away with easy access whenever you need to change a cartridge.
How can it work so well with 75% less chlorine?
SmartChlor is not a typical chlorine. It will consistently maintain a 0.5 to 1.0 ppm free chlorine level. This wouldn’t be enough on its own, but with FROG minerals, it’s a perfect combination that kills bacteria 2 ways so you have a cleaner, clearer hot tub that’s wonderfully soft and odor free!
How long do the Mineral and SmartChlor cartridges last?
The mineral cartridge lasts four months (or change whenever you drain and refill your hot tub). The SmartChlor Cartridge lasts 3-4 weeks depending on the size of your spa and how often it is used.
Is a FROG @ease System expensive?
SmartChlor is slightly more expensive than Dichlor but less than some other systems. Consumers who have tried it tell us it’s SO worth the money, because it makes owning a hot tub extremely easy with far less monitoring and shocking. Plus with up to 75% less chlorine, your suits won’t fade and your hot tub itself has less wear and tear.